A New Dimension for ASPs

Vircom, a developer of Internet infrastructure software, today announced the launch of E-maginer Online at the ISPCON in Las Vegas.

E-maginer Online is designed to allow ASPs and ISPs to offer their customers the capability to create multi-user 3D Web sites based on a selection of up to 14 pre-built 3D worlds that revolve around various themes such as sports, entertainment, games and chat communities.

Multiple users can interact in a graphically rich, multi-media environment in real time. With no programming, no installation of software other than a small plug-in, customers go to the ASP’s or ISP’s Web site and choose from a selection of pre-made 3D environments. Customers can also make personal changes to textures, colors and images, all within the 3D environment.

“As service providers continually seek fresh content to attract customers, E-maginer Online opens up a whole new Web concept with unlimited creative opportunities for customers and increased revenue for providers,” said Bertrand Houle, vice-president, sale and marketing at Vircom.

According the company, in minutes users set up world where up to ten visitors may join simultaneously to chat, play games, listen to music, exchange data and create fan site communities. Providers may increase the number of multi-users supported depending on clients’ needs and subscription package.

According to Vircom, E-maginer Online provides ISPs and ASPs a full array of 3D world bundles in addition to a server license based on the number of supported simultaneous online users.

Based in Montreal, Vircom develops develops and markets networking server software for ISPs, ASPs and the online communication industry.

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