In a move angled to emphasize the company’s focus on the management, maintenance, support and evolution of e-business applications, Cutler System Management yesterday unveiled Aptegrity, Inc. as its new identity.
Combing app and integrity, the company feels this name helps promote the company into the 20th century.
“We came out of the Web developing space,” Bob Petrie, vice president, operations, said. “As the industry matures, companies are focused on what to do once a company is online. Our goal is to provide ongoing support to Internet based applications.”
Petrie told ASP-News that he has seen a dire need for application management in the past three months. “This is a new emerging business opportunity for Aptegrity,” he said
Aptegrity believes it is important that companies realize the value of being able to manage their applications and solutions. “We are the first pureplay in that space,” Petrie said.
Aptegrity, Inc. views its ongoing competition as usually being a company’s IT department. Outside of that, Citesmith and Mimecom would be two other competitors.
“We expect to see more companies in our competitive landscape shortly,” Petrie said. “But there are very few companies trying to solve what we see as a critical issue. A strong management partner is key and as the industry matures, more companies will realize this.”
“The ASP world has added tremendous value to a lot of businesses, but we feel we are a step beyond the ASP market due to our focus on that customized application layer,” Petrie said. The company classifies itself as an outgrowth of the ASP market.
In other company news, ASP-News has learned that Aptegrity will be announcing its initial international thrust into Europe in the later part of July. The company is currently in the process of staffing the operation and has hired Michael Peass as managing director.
Aptegrity will look to further expand in other parts of Europe, but plans to focus on managing its growth and expansion right now.