Interwoven Reaping iHarvest’s Technology

After Interwoven acquired Redwood Shores-based iHarvest back in October, the content infrastructure software maker plotted how to best use the technology.

Now Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Interwoven has come out with its plan. The company Wednesday says it will use iHarvest’s technology to enhance its products with visual annotation capabilities.

Visual annotation gives content editors the ability to edit on their desktop in much the same way they would on paper, with X’s and circles and arrows – drawn using a mouse.

The company says the technology drives review-and-approval to the desktop, integrates these tasks with Interwoven TeamSite software, and doesn’t require reviewers to learn a new application.

“As content continues to fuel a growing number of business initiatives, it is only natural that the number of content contributors grows. This expansion requires secure and scalable technologies to support collaboration across geographically dispersed workgroups,” said Leonor Ciarlone, senior analyst at CAP Ventures. “With VisualAnnotate, Interwoven complements TeamSite’s workflow capabilities with context-sensitive annotation that enables Web-based editorial and review processes. The result is a secure, familiar mechanism for content review and approval that can speed the delivery of business-critical content to portals, applications, and Websites.”

The new functionality can allow business decision-makers to directly edit, review and approve Web pages within a browser.

VisualAnnotate features include:

*Annotate Web pages directly in the browser with virtual sticky notes, text tools (including Word-like change tracking functionality) and visual markup with associated comments

*Single-click content review with rubber stamp feature for approval or rejection

*XML-based annotation tracking for all reviewers and approvers in any given cycle including historical archiving and retrieval of all comments and edits

Interwoven says its VisualAnnotate technology should be available in early 2002.

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