12 articles written
Achim Sawall
16 Million Germans Are Interested in Computers, Telecommunications
The number of Germans extremely interested in computers and
Can Powerline Compete with DSL?
Internet access from an electrical socket was launched on...
German Savings Banks Buy Online Broker
In a surprise move, the German Savings Banks Association...
Can Powerline Compete with DSL?
Internet access from an electrical socket was launched on July 1 in Germany.
With its current price structure and the speed of its infrastructure
expansion, however, it is not expected that Powerline (as the technology is...
German Web Sites Lose Customers in June
Numerous large Web sites in Germany had far fewer customers in June than in
the month before.
According to online statistics in the category of "general
interest" from the Information Association for Determining the Distribution
of Advertising Media...
Internet Book Sales More than Double in Germany
According to the Association of German Publishers and Booksellers
("Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels"), the sale of books over the
Internet more than doubled in the past year.
In Germany, book sales over the
Internet reached a total of...
MobilCom: WLAN is a Niche Product
German MobilCom has already stated its intention to go with UMTS (also known as WCDMA), but the company said Monday it will also offer wireless LAN.
local mobile communication networks will be a meaningful...
Bavarian Schools Pilot Internet Filtering Program
The Hamburg-based Pan Amp AG is offering schools in Bavaria a pilot project
for filtering out Internet content that could be harmful to young people.
This pilot project is being carried out in coordination with the...
Bertelsmann Overestimated Possibilities of E-Commerce
Thomas Middelhoff, head of the Bertelsmann management board, has admitted
that he overestimated e-commerce growth.
It was also a mistake to push for BMGs leap to a worldwide leading position, Middelhoff said in the Saturday
edition of...
16 Million Germans Are Interested in Computers, Telecommunications
The number of Germans extremely interested in computers and
telecommunication has risen again considerably in the past two years
from around 13.5 million to 16.3 million. According to the most recently
published Computerpresse reader analysis (Leseranalyse Computerpresse,
German Savings Banks Buy Online Broker
In a surprise move, the German Savings Banks Association (Deutscher
Sparkassen-und Giroverband, or DSGV) is taking over the online broker pulsiv.com in
The savings bank organization will buy 90 percent of pulsiv AG
an option to...