9 articles written

Caron Carlson


Verizon Lawsuit Muddies Spectrum Auction Plan

Verizon Wireless is challenging the government's rules for auctioning...

Potential Bidders Demand FCC Change Wireless Spectrum Auctions

Before the Federal Communications Commission begins the much-anticipated auction...

Same Patent Fight, New Patent Challenges

Patent holder NTP is back in the patent spotlight...


EU Targets Qualcomm in Antitrust Investigation

Maintaining its place at the forefront of high-profile patent and licensing disputes, mobile phone chipmaker Qualcomm today became the subject of a formal antitrust investigation by the European Commission. Rival mobile technology companies --...

Vonage Dealt Sprint Nextel, Verizon Patent Blows

Vonage's legal team probably wishes the week never began. First, a jury in a U.S. district court in Kansas City yesterday ordered the VoIP player to pay Sprint Nextel $69.5 million in damages for...

Potential Bidders Demand FCC Change Wireless Spectrum Auctions

Before the Federal Communications Commission begins the much-anticipated auction of the 700MHz band spectrum in January, several potential bidders want the agency to reconsider some of the auction rules -- particularly rules designed to...

Same Patent Fight, New Patent Challenges

Patent holder NTP is back in the patent spotlight again, having filed a set of lawsuits against the nation's four largest wireless carriers. The lawsuits, filed the same day the U.S. House of Representatives...

Lawmakers Float VoIP-Based 911 Bill

Corrected: Wending its way through the House of Representatives is a bill to try and bring VoIP services into an emergency calling regime that has largely ignored the IP-based infrastructure. The 911 Modernization and Public...

Verizon Lawsuit Muddies Spectrum Auction Plan

Verizon Wireless is challenging the government's rules for auctioning highly coveted frequencies in the 700 MHz band, raising fears about dampened enthusiasm for the radio waves in the face of legal uncertainty. Verizon filed...

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