13 articles written
Jennifer Schiff
Library of Congress Readies New Digital Archive
It's been more than a year since the Library...
Enterprises Rule in Favor of e-Discovery, Thanks to FRCP
When Rick Chin, senior vice president of IT at...
Catching Copycats: Protecting Your Online Content
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but...
Storage That Really Lasts
While we may never find out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, thanks to Norsam Technologies, we now know how many pages of text can fit on the face...
Selling Travel Online: It’s Not Just for the Big Guys
The Web has irrevocably changed how we shop — for electronics, clothing, office supplies, even big ticket items such as appliances, cars and houses. And one of the industries that has benefited the most...
Catching Copycats: Protecting Your Online Content
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but for many Web shop owners, particularly those who worked long and hard to create their copy, whether it be original content or a customer testimonial,...
Enterprises Rule in Favor of e-Discovery, Thanks to FRCP
When Rick Chin, senior vice president of IT at Pinnacle Financial, went in search of a new e-mail archiving solution in the summer of 2006, he wasn't thinking about compliance, even though amendments to...
Library of Congress Readies New Digital Archive
It's been more than a year since the Library of Congress selected Government Micro Resources (GMRI) to build a multi-tiered petascale storage system, using technology provided by Sun Microsystems, for the Library's new state-of-the-art...
File Virtualization’s Last Independent Sees Opportunity
As Paris Hilton might say (well, if she were a systems administrator or enterprise storage expert), file virtualization is totally hot. Earlier this month, Acopia was snapped up by F5, becoming just the latest...
Supercomputing’s Super Storage Issues
Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to calculate more than one quadrillion floating point operations per second.... Look, up in the labs of Cray and IBM: It's high-speed supercomputing...
Microsoft Gains Storage Traction
With Windows Storage Server continuing to win over small and mid-size customers — with a 53 percent unit share of the 2005 worldwide NAS and unified storage market, according to Gartner — and Windows...