28 articles written
Katherine Lam
renren.com, Murdoch Buy Shell Company in Hong Kong
renren.com Holdings Ltd, the majority shareholder of Chinese content...
Chinadotcom Expands its China Services
Chinadotcom Corp. announced this week new partnership agreements...
Standard Chartered, Pacnet E-Banking Alliance
Standard Chartered Bank and e-business portal Pacfusion.com, a subsidiary...
Chinadotcom Expands its China Services
Chinadotcom Corp. announced this week new partnership agreements with China-based Internet companies.
Chinadotcom (CHINA) will acquire 100 percent of CASTnet, a high-tech software developer providing Internet and intranet solutions. Also, the company has...
PCCW Makes Eight New Net Investments
CyberWorks Ventures (CWV), the venture capital arm of Pacific Century CyberWorks Ltd (PCCW), Monday said that the company has eight new investments, making a total of 42 since PCCW's inception eight months ago.
Hong Kong...
Pacific NetMarkets in Asian B2B Play
Hong Kong trade publisher Pacific NetMarkets (PNM) announced Tuesday it has received its first round of funding for US$10 million from US-based private equity firm J. H. Whitney to develop a network of B2B...
STSN, Adsale Asia Form Broadband JV
Adsale Broadnet of the Adsale Group, an exhibition and conference organizer in China, and US-based Suite Technology Systems Networks agreed Monday to form a JV aimed at providing broadband access for Asian hotels.
The joint...
chinadotcom in 50/50 Joint Venture Fund with KoreaOnline
chinadotcom Corp. entered into an agreement Wednesday to establish a 50/50 joint venture fund with KoreaOnline Ltd.
The joint venture fund will be based in Seoul and will support various Internet and high-tech projects in...
Standard Chartered, Pacnet E-Banking Alliance
Standard Chartered Bank and e-business portal Pacfusion.com, a subsidiary of Pacific Internet, announced this week the launch of a co-branded portal to provide online banking services.
The co-branded portal - eMoney - and related service...
Macrobuild.com Launches Construction B2B Portal
Macrobuild.com Corp, a joint venture between Warp Cybertech Ltd and Golden Apple Group Ltd, launched an e-commerce portal - Macrobuild.com - for the building and construction industry in Hong Kong on Monday.
Alex Ing, executive...
renren.com, Murdoch Buy Shell Company in Hong Kong
renren.com Holdings Ltd, the majority shareholder of Chinese content site renren.com, announced Thursday it has formed a partnership with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. to acquire Hong Kong-listed Ankor Group Ltd.
News Corp, through its News...