9 articles written

M.A. Mills


NextMonet.com — Contemporary Art, Education for Neophytes

As the old sitcom, "The Beverly Hillbillies," showed all...

Giftpoint.com: Specializing in Corporate Gift Certificates

In the fight for supremacy in the gift certificate...

Corporategear.com Brings Internet to a Traditional Industry

Every kitchen in America has a drawer stuffed with...


AllAdvantage: Money for (Almost) Nothing

AllAdvantage.com wants you to get your money for nothing and your clicks for free. Their targeted, specific consumer advertising system means that the more their members surf, the more money they make. "Members are...

When Time is Money, Get a Red Gorilla

Many people don't realize that there is a lot more to running a business than being good at what you do. Red Gorilla is attempting to tame the 800 pound gorilla known as time...

Red Envelope Tailors Upscale Gift Giving for Corporate Market

Luxury gift sites have crowded onto the Web this year, each vying for a slice of the upscale market. But while most are going after the affluent consumer, some think that the real opportunity...

Halfbrain Minimizes Application Learning Curve

If you've ever had half a mind to tell off Microsoft about Excel's overloaded lard-ware, stuffed as it is like a pig on a roasting spit with complicated, confusing and extraneous bells and whistles...

NextMonet.com — Contemporary Art, Education for Neophytes

As the old sitcom, "The Beverly Hillbillies," showed all too well, having a lot of money is no guarantee of good taste. So, with discretionary income levels higher than ever, Boomers and Xers are...

GiftCertificates.com Takes the Hassle Out of Shopping

While shopping online can be an effective way to avoid holiday crowds and surly clueless sales clerks, it does nothing to help figure out what to buy Aunt Martha in Iowa, little Jimmy in...

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