164 articles written

Naomi Graychase


BlackBerry Flip Phone Now Available

T-Mobile USA and Research In Motion (RIM)  today announced...

Review: T-Mobile Dash 3G

T-Mobile Dash 3G$169.99 with contractPros: Wi-Fi; 3G where available;...

Review: T-Mobile BlackBerry Pearl 8120

T-Mobile BlackBerry Pearl 8120 with Wi-FiMSRP: $349.99Pros: It’s a...


Wi-Fi + DSL Combo Chip New from Broadcom

At the Broadband World Forum Europe 2009 in Paris last week, Broadcom Corporation announced another in its expanding lineup of combo chips. The BCM6362 is the first chip to combine Broadcom’s ADSL2+ and 802.11n...

Atheros Intros New Combo Chip

Motivated largely by the sizable demand for wireless connectivity in netbooks, Atheros today announced that it has developed the industry’s first 1-stream 802.11n and Bluetooth combo solution on a Half MiniCard for the PC...

802.11n: Ratified at Last

At long last, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has ratified the 802.11n standard. In a press release quietly issued late in the day on Friday, September 11th, the IEEE announced that...

Wi-Fi Smartphone Shipments Continue to Grow

Earlier this year, ABI Research predicted that dual-mode cellular/Wi-Fi handset shipments were set to double between 2008 and 2010. It would seem that their crystal ball was accurate. In a press release issued today,...

Contest Seeks Oldest Working Barcode Reader

Here at Wi-Fi Planet, we have a soft spot for old technology. Call it nostalgia, call it clinging to our youth, but the sight of an Atari 2600 in working order makes our heart go pitty-pat...

Southwest Airlines to Deploy Wi-Fi Fleetwide

Soutwest Airlines today announced that it plans to deploy Wi-Fi fleetwide by 2010. The Texas-based airline, which was formed as the result of a 1967 sketch on a cocktail napkin, has been testing Wi-Fi...

Review: T-Mobile Dash 3G

T-Mobile Dash 3G$169.99 with contractPros: Wi-Fi; 3G where available; Bluetooth; good QWERTY keyboard; professional-looking designCons: small screen; 3G coverage is limited; no UMA The T-Mobile Dash 3G ($169.99 with contract), which became available to consumers July...

What’s On: Networked TVs are Coming

According to a new study from ABI Research (out today) all you’ll want for Christmas this year is a Wi-Fi-enabled television. The research firm forecasts that in 2011, 20 million televisions offering wireless connectivity will...

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