7358 articles written

Sean Michael Kerner


Nginx 1.11 Web Server Improves HTTP/2

The latest incremental update of the open-source Nginx web...

Docker 1.12.6 Fixes Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

From the 'Great Container Escape' files: The Docker Engine 1.12.6...

Who is Charleston Road Registry? The Leading gTLD Applicant

From the 'Google's New Company' files: If you look at...


Sense Sleep Tracker Vendor Hello, Says Goodbye

Full-disclosure here, I'm a big fan of Sense, the IoT sleep tracker device developed by San Francisco startup Hello. That's why I personally was terribly disappointed to get an email earlier this afternoon from...

OpenStack Radium? Maybe, but it could be Formidable

OK the first results are in from the OpenStack community naming process for the R release. The winner at this point is Radium. OpenStack however has a somewhat unfortunate history of choosing names that for...

Docker Inception: Play with Docker

From the 'Turtles all the way down' files: The concluding session of DockerCon 17, as always at any DockerCon, was all about cool hacks. The coolest one for me was Play With Docker (PWD) that...

What will OpenStack R be Named?

That time again, when members of the OpenStack community vote on the release name for the upcoming series of milestones. The current release is called Ocata, the next release is code named Pike and...

OpenStack Database Vendor Tesora Acquired by Stratoscale

From the 'Remember OpenStack Red Dwarf' files: I've had the good fortune to meet with and speak to Ken Rugg, CEO of Tesora on numerous occasions over the last few years. In a video interview I...

Mozilla Dinosaur Now Extinct as Curl-like Logo Debuts

From the 'Goodbye Godzilla' files:Since 1998, Mozilla's brand has been associated with its godzilla-like dinosaur logo. While other company's (and browsers) have come and gone Mozilla's dinosaur has remained, until yesterday.Mozilla officially debuted its...

Docker 1.12.6 Fixes Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

From the 'Great Container Escape' files: The Docker Engine 1.12.6 release debuted on Jan. 10 as a security update for all Docker container users. The new engine fixes single flaw identified as CVE-2016-9962, title, 'Insecure...

WordPress 4.7 Provides Improved Customization

WordPress 4.7 was released on December 6, providing the tens of millions of internet users that rely on it, with a long list of new features. As always with every new major WordPress milestone, there...

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