Google Chrome development is moving along full speed ahead. Why is this news? Well let me tell you…
Early last week, Google developer Anthony LaForge (no not Geordi, he’s working on the warp core still…) issued a ‘Code Yellow’ alert halting all Google Chrome release until some critical bugs could be fix.
By the end of the week, not only was the Code Yellow lifted, but Google also managed to issue two dev-channel releases for the Chrome browser. Nice recovery Google, very nice.
The dev-channel release is the most recent release and packs in a few interesting additions to Chrome. There are numerous bug fixes for all platforms and Mac users finally get printing and the Apple Quicktime plugin.
What’s also interesting from my point of view is that Google is now treating its Chrome Frame – the effort to enable Chrome to run inside of a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser – as its own release version, same as Windows, Linux and Mac.
There are 14 seperate fixes for Chrome Frame made by Google in its recent release, and that’s significant. It means that Google takes its fight to take over IE from the inside seriously and is putting the full weight of its Chrome engineering expertise into the effort.