Live From SNW: It’s All In A Name, Or Is It?

Back on the Expo floor I met up with LSI.

I had been seeing their name and brand all over the conference hotel as their savvy marketing people got the company logo on room key cards for attendees and they also sponsored the Internet caf��.

As one attendee told me, the company even had a better approach at a past show. They sponsored the conference badges, displaying their logo on the underside of nametags. As the tags typically swing around all you could see throughout the conference was “LSI” on everyone you passed.

At the booth the company was raffling off a GPS unit. Describing themselves as “silicon and system storage,” no one seemed too sure if “LSI” stood for anything in particular. Maybe large scale integration?

At the Data Domain booth the give-away was Amazon gift certificates. Attendees, all who received a “key” in their promotional packets, could come by and try to see if their key fit the ‘treasure chest’ at the booth. One attendee, Glen, actually one while was talking to booth staff.

The HIFN boys explained their company name was a take-off of ‘hyphenated,’ meaning compressed data..compressed name. As I declined one of the company’s token pens, someone pointed out I was already using a HIFN pen for note taking.

Riverbed, named for the company owners’ love of fly fishing, was founded in 2002. There was a iPhone raffle and of course pens. The company booth staff says the company is all about ‘thinking fast’ and ‘WAN like LAN.’

Four-year-old SanBlaze wasn’t giving away anything.

Wasabi, obviously named for the hot ginger spice though a connection to spice and storage isn’t too clear, was raffling off an Xbox 360 Rock Band package, as well as memory sticks and t-shirts.

Two-year-old Stormagic is “simple, smart storage’ and Agami Systems, whose name means “that which is to come” both had a Wii promotion going.

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