Red Hat’s Fedora Linux 10 has been out since the end of November 2008, and is now hovering around the 1 million installations mark. Fedora uses a system to measure active installations that check the update repositories in order to determine how many installations are in use.
When combined with other actively used Fedora distributions as of Feb 16, 2009, Fedora’s counting method reports 12,188,598 Fedora Linux installations across Fedora 7,8,9 and 10 releases.
On Fedora 10 in particular, in contrast with adoption for Fedora 9 for a similar period, Fed 10 is at 115 percent adoption (that is a greater adoption rate for the first 12 weeks of release for Fed 10 than Fed 9).
Perhaps more interesting though is the fact that the bulk of Fedora’s counted installation remain on Fedora 8 which was released in November of 2007.
It just goes to show you that though Fedora Linux is a fast moving distribution with up to two releases a year, a lot of users don’t move with every release.