That time again, when members of the OpenStack community vote on the release name for the upcoming series of milestones. The current release is called Ocata, the next release is code named Pike and is set to debut August 28. The release after Pike, is named Queens and should be out early 2018.
Which brings us to the ‘R’ release, which won’t be out till late 2018. OpenStack release names are based on the geography of the conference, with the R release following the summit in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
No final name has yet been chosen, but following is the initial list that OpenStack community members are voting on:
• Radium
• Railspur (Railspur Alley in Granville Island, Vancouver – a place to meet makers and buy their goods from wood and metals to sake and silks)
• Rambler (Peak)
• Rambles (A classic rock climb on the Squamish chief)
• Rampart (Mountain)
• Raspberry
• Raush (a tributary of the Fraser river)
• Ray (Lake)
• Razorback (Mountain)
• Rebecca (Rebecca Spit Marine Provincial Park, the quintessential coastline of BC)
• Revelstoke (City – Columbia)
• Rex (Peak, north of Vancouver)
• Richmond (City – Vancouver)
• Robson (street from BC Place Stadium to Stanley Park, a must-stroll)
• Rock (Creek)
• Rocky (Mountains)
• Rockies
• Roderick (Island)
• Root (Mount Root)
• Rossland (City – Kootenay Boundary)
• Rosswood
• Rupert
• Renfrew (station)
Personally, I like Razorback – but given the challenges of trademarks and such, that’s just not a likely winner.
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.