Why You Will Use a Tablet Some Day

Resistance is futile. Despite your initial reactions to the Apple iPad, you will end up using one, whether it has the Apple logo or not. Mike Elgan at Datamation explains why there is a tablet in your future.

I know, I know. You’ve checked out the Apple iPad, and you’re not impressed. You think it’s a limited, pointless, overpriced, unpocketable iPod for gullible trend whores drunk on Cupertino Kool-Aid.

You despise its closed, proprietary platform, lack of built-in keyboard, missing camera, unremovable battery, no Flash support and monthly fee for AT&T 3G access.

Besides, the sudden tablet craze is just an overhyped fad, right?

It’s easy to predict that tablets will be huge sellers. After all, even skeptics can believe that other people will get caught up in a marketing-driven trend. But I’m going to make an even bolder prediction. I’m going to predict that you, personally, will be using a tablet within 18 months.

That’s bold because if you’re reading this Web site, you’re probably far more technical and sophisticated than the average user. And you’re probably a professional evaluator of computer equipment. Chances are, you’re skeptical about hyped new fads, and have far better memory about the Next Big Things that never happened.

Read the full story at Datamation:

Why You’ll Use a Tablet. Yes YOU!

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