Product Hints Found In iPhone OS 4 Beta

Apple likes its secrets, but it has to show its hand eventually. That usually comes in revelations found in beta versions of its operating systems, which have to be issued to the public in advance of the final release. So when the company drops a new build, even non-developers tear into it to see hints of what is to come.

That’s exactly what happened when Apple issued the fourth beta of iPhone OS 4. It was only out for a few hours before being thoroughly dissected by the blogs. Enterprise Mobile Today has what they found.

Apple issued the fourth beta of the iPhone OS on Tuesday evening, and it was immediately dissected in a search for clues on what’s ahead for the company’s mobile software. Well, there were plenty of hints on what’s to come, and not just for the iPhone but for the iPad and iPod Touch as well.

One of the first major features revealed in the beta is the addition of tethering, which enables users to connect the iPhone to a laptop and let it serve as the means for 3G network Internet access.

Read the full story at Enterprise Mobile Today:

New iPhone OS 4 Beta Reveals New iPhone and iPad Plans

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