The iPhone’s been a smashing success for both Apple and its exclusive U.S. carrier partner, AT&T. But rumors and speculation have been nonstop for ages about an iPhone for Verizon Wireless, the nation’s largest carrier.
Now, market researcher ChangeWave has tested the waters of Verizon’s mobile subscriber base and found that a majority of them would be at least somewhat likely to replace their current phone with an iPhone. Those numbers suggest what ChangeWave said could be a dramatic shift in the mobile market if Apple and Verizon Wireless do strike a deal. Enterprise Mobile Today takes a look.
In yet another sign of Apple’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) dominance, the report by market researcher ChangeWave found 53 percent of Verizon customers would be either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to switch to a Verizon iPhone should one come out.
“The survey results show an unprecedented level of pent up demand for the iPhone among Verizon subscribers. If Verizon were ever to offer the iPhone, the evidence points to it having a profound and likely transformational impact on the industry,” wrote the survey’s authors.