Chrysalis-ITS, Radicchio Enhance Wireless E-Commerce

[Ottawa, CANADA] Chrysalis-ITS, developer of Ultimate Trust products for e-business and networking, joined the Radicchio alliance, a global industry initiative promoting security in wireless e-commerce.

This joint initiative is to enhance growth of global wireless e-commerce services. Chrysalis-ITS will provide transaction-based security processing platforms to customers to enable a secure WAP environment for wireless e-commerce.

“We’ve joined Radicchio to help address the future of wireless e-commerce, and especially the role of trust, in driving its growth. Chrysalis too, will play a key part in that transformation as we develop new products and systems that will help to enable the trust and performance of wireless network security,” said Steve Baker, president & chief executive officer of Chrysalis-ITS.

According to IDC, 55.7 million Internet appliances will ship in 2002, with wireless applications representing nearly one third of that number. Forrester Research predicts that there will be more than 9.3 million online traders by 2001, many of which will be executing transactions from wireless and handheld devices.

Chrysalis-ITS, Inc. provides security processing products for the networking and e-commerce industry. Radicchio is a global alliance promoting Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for secure wireless e-commerce. It was founded last year by EDS, Ericsson, Gemplus and Sonera SmartTrust.

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