The federal government isn’t generally thought of as a cutting-edge IT innovation shop. But Aneesh Chopra, the country’s first chief technology officer, says it doesn’t have to be that way.
In a recent speech in Washington, Chopra outlined the ambitious projects the government is rolling out to bring the developer community into the fold. Datamation has the story.
WASHINGTON — Aneesh Chopra, the nation’s first chief technology officer, is looking for the best and the brightest. The best and brightest apps, that is.
In a speech here at a military communications conference, Chopra outlined several of the ways that the federal government is looking to tap the developer community and private sector for innovative new technologies that can cut through bureaucratic clutter and provide inexpensive solutions to pressing government challenges.
“This is beyond just the procurement side of the house,” Chopra said. “I am focusing like a hawk on how we can deliver game-changing improvements in the technology and its use through our research and development enterprise.”
As an example, he cited the White House’s “grand challenges” program, through which the administration called for submissions from universities, businesses and others to submit proposals for collaborative projects to address major policy priorities, such as health IT and clean energy.