Considering that 92% of the seafood market (a $350 billion industry) rests outside of U.S. borders, it comes as no surprise that Seattle-based, an online marketplace for the global seafood industry, has an agressive global strategy.
Within only one year after launching its Seattle office, the company has opened offices in Toronto, Paris and Santiago. The company’s latest international move took place just a week ago when it opened an office in London. President and Founder David Lancaster told that the company has other office openings in its plans.
According to Lancaster, in a fragmented and relationship-driven industry like seafood, understands the need to put salespeople in place to facilitate transactions through its network.
“The company’s operation in the U.K will both allow U.K. seafood players to enter the world stage in addition to conducting trade in their own backyard.”
The London office will be headed by Andy Tyson and Simon Brake, who together have 30 years of seafood industry experience. According to Lancaster it is crucial when opening an overseas office to find people who understand the local marketplace and are capable of immediately finding the necessary solutions.
According to Tyson, there is already a trememdous interest in what has to offer, yet many customers remain hesitant to go online. CEO Jim Hilger believes that it is just a matter of time before that will change.
“The seafood industry is increasingly adopting the internet as a way to transact business,” says Hilger.
While’s site features the latest e-commerce technology developed by the Internet Development Group, according to Lancaster the company is continually on the lookout for best of breed software and IT talent.
Lancaster, however, insists that although his company is encouraging the adoption of the internet as an efficient trading mechanism, at the core he and his team are Seafood people. “We don’t talk about B2B and portals, says Lancaster. “We talk about Swordfish and Salmon.”