Hoping to take advantage of the red hot Linux market, domain broker SeriousDomains.com Friday put more
than 150 Linux domain names up for auction.
All domain names have the word “Linux” in the title, the company said.
During the first auction, which runs until mid-Monday, speculators can bid
on single domain names from the 150-name portfolio, and after those are
complete, the remaining domain names will be auctioned as a single block.
The company boasts it has names that can be used by both individuals and
corporations. Domains such as LinuxLeaders.com, LinuxFacilitators.com,
LinuxCallCenters.com, LinuxRollouts.com, LinuxInfrastructures.com,
QualityLinux.com, ScreaminLinux.com and TurnkeyLinux.com will all be on the
block. Some domains have been grouped into categories for
cluster bids, the company added.
“Most of the names in the portfolio are hand-selected around generic names
or phrases
that have built-in mindshare to likely customers of Linux providers,” said
Tasha L. Kidd of SeriousDomains.com.
“Web consumers are turning more and more to entering
keywords in their browsers, instead of going the extra step through search
engines. These keywords and phrases become virtual doorways to websites that
want to dominate.”
Linux, an open-source operating system, has been growing in popularity since
it was first released in the early 1990s.
Recently, Linux-based companies like Red
Hat Inc. (RHAT)
and VA Linux (LNUX) have been able to cash in on the free platform by each debuting on the stock
market with record first-day growth.