Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week


“We recognize that the current availability of content and applications for PlayBook has limited the near-term uptake of the device in the market.”

Michael Lazaridis co-CEO of RIM explaining to analysts why the PlayBook tablet has not met expectation to date (EnterpriseMobileToday).


“We were fat.”

Cisco CEO John Chambers telling analysts what was wrong at Cisco and where he is talking his networking company. (EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet)



“Through the last 12 years of PostgreSQL, I’m used to a lot of our release being feature catch-up with the leading proprietary databases – and there is very little in this release of that.”

Josh Berkus, PostgreSQL core team member talking about the new 9.1 release (DatabaseJournal)


“You can discern from our market share position relative to SUSE that we are by far the number one vendor worldwide in providing a Linux platform infrastructure.”

Jim Totton vice president and general manager of the Platform Business Unit at Red Hat, talking about SAP’s new certification on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. (EnterpriseAppsToday)


“We need to change the game rather than trying to out Google Google”

Qi Lu, president of Microsoft’s Online Services Division explaining where Bing needs to go. (InternetNews)



Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of, the network for technology professionals.

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