provides users with a free 12-digit
“Permanent Communications Number” (PCN) that allows them to place and receive audio
or video “phone” calls direct to any other PC also registered with the service.
Registered numbers are stored in a master directory, allowing users to both search for specific individuals who may be registered, as well as view listings of all inidividuals currently online.
While the current version of the “listener” software (which monitors your Internet
connection for inbound messages) is available only for the PC, the company said that a Mac
version is under development.
In addition to direct voice calls, users may also opt to leave voicemail messages for their recipients on
the visitalk site using free software provided from visitalk. A user can check for their voice messages
by logging into the visitalk site using their PCN and a user-defined password.
Additional features of the
service include audio instant messaging (a free download from the visitalk site that monitors the
user’s Internet connection and notifies you instantly of inbound voice mail), topic based chat rooms
(including user defined “buddy” chat rooms) and user maintained contact and buddy lists.
The visitalk service is free and available now.