The New York Times on Wednesday announced it would enter the job market recruitment space, a plan that includes online access to newspaper listings and a redesigned Web site.
The newspaper said it would redesign the Job Market section of its Web site to offer related newspaper articles,
company research, resume database, international listings, job e-mail alerts and other tools for job seekers and employers.
The flagship site would also allow online access and the ability to search all employment listings that run in the print edition of daily newspaper.
“The new offering will streamline services and provide new benefits for advertisers and job seekers across all industries. It will be supported by an expanded sales force and new ad campaign,” the company said in a statement.
The New York Times named VP of advertising Alexis Buryk to head up the Job Market section. Buryk would lead a staff of more than 50 telemarketers, advising staff and direct sales representatives.
On Thursday, the newspaper said it would launch a consumer ad campaign in the New York tri-state area under the slogan, “Put Yourself in a Better Position.”
It said the campaign would include television spots, print, radio, and outdoor and online ads. “Outreach on college campuses will include tie-in programs with college career centers, campus events and direct mail.” The campaign was developed by Bozell New York, The Times’s advertising agency.
The launch of the service for the New York market comes on the heels of last Octobers rollout of BostonWorks, a collaboration between the print and online recruitment services of The Boston Globe, a New York Times-owned newspaper.
Last month, the company also rolled out an online collaboration between,, and the Wall Street Journal’s, that allows recruitment advertisers to place job listings across any of the three Web sites with a single submission.