Multex and i33 communications, Multex’s
online advertising
agency, have partnered with to customize banner ads for individual
investors visiting the site.
i33 will develop Multex banners on the site that are customized
according to a user’s ticker search. After requesting specific stock
information, a user can click on the customized banner and be linked
to matching investment research
provided by the Multex Investor
To serve the banners, i33 will utilize its AdMaximize service, an online
return-on-investment (ROI) tracking service.
“i33 developed dynamically generated ad banners to provide a more powerful
link between consumers, Multex and,” said Drew Rayman, president,
i33 communications. “Generating and serving customized creative further
demonstrates the advantage of AdMaximize. By not being a shrink-wrapped
product but a customizable consumer-action tracking service, i33’s AdMaximize
service can measure the effectiveness of any online promotion based on any ROI
“By linking the Multex Investor Network through i33’s dynamically generated
banner ads, we’re more confident that our exclusive investment content is
getting to the right people, namely users,” said Jim Tousignant,
senior vice president, Multex. “i33’s AdMaximize allows us to track the ROI
for each dynamically generated banner.”
i33’s AdMaximize can serves an animated banner with the queried ticker symbol
included in animated banner copy (For example, “What are the top analysts
saying about XYZ Corp.?”) users who click on the banner are taken to a customized Multex
results page offering exclusive brokerage research reports on the queried
ticker symbol AdMaximize records site registrations and purchase activity and
reports data online for analysis
“The customized banners developed by i33. . . personalize creative for each
and it enables users to have direct access to never-before available
brokerage research from Multex,” said Aaron Barnes, vice president of
advertising sales at “This unique co-marketing alliance with Multex
using i33’s AdMaximize illustrates how the Internet allows us to work in
concert to best meet the needs of the individual investor.”
Financial arrangements were not disclosed.
i33’s AdMaximize 1.0, tracks banner ad performance, providing customized
reports on clickthroughs, lead generation, customer acquisition and sales.
Short for “advertising
maximization,” AdMaximize reports the number of people who interact or
“click” on a banner ad and can track online purchases, allowing advertisers to
make adjustments to particular ad creative or ad placements to improve
campaign performance.
AdMaximize counts only “confirmed impressions,” a metric that counts only the
advertising creative that has fully loaded to a consumer’s browser.