Times Company Digital Selects Ogilvy & Mather as AOR

Times Company Digital, the Internet arm of the New York Times Co., on Monday tapped Ogilvy & Mather as its agency of record
for a $40 million account.

Ogilvy & Mather will handle work for all the Times Co. Digital brands,
including NYTimes.com, NYToday.com, Boston.com, WineToday.com, GolfDigest.com and Abuzz.

The New York Times Co. on January 28 filed to take Times Company
Digital public with a tracking stock, so the advertising emphasis is at
least partly aimed at making the business more attractive to investors.

“From the initial introduction to the chemistry meetings, Ogilvy
demonstrated a firm understanding of our brands and their unique positions
in the marketplace,” says David Thurm, chief operating officer of Times
Company Digital.

“In addition, it is important that our agency have the ability to act
swiftly and adapt to our marketing needs as they continue to evolve. All of
these things were key factors in our decision.”

The decision was also likely influenced by the Times Co. Digital chief executive officer’s
ties to Ogilvy & Mather. Martin Nisenholtz worked at the ad agency from
1983 to 1994 and founded its Interactive Marketing Group in 1983.

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