Major local newspaper Web sites are growing fast — in many cases,
faster than the rest of the Web, according to new findings by comScore Media Metrix.
During the past six months, seven of the 10 largest U.S. media markets saw
double-digit increase in visitors to major regional papers’ Web sites,
according to the Reston, Va. research firm. At the same time, Internet
subscribers in the same market saw only a fraction of that growth.
During May, for instance, unique visitors to the New York Daily News’s site
grew 23 percent, while and each saw 12 percent
growth. At the same time, however, the number of New Yorkers going online
grew only 3 percent.
Similarly, unique visitors to Chicago’s increased a staggering
38 percent, while the market’s online audience grew only 3 percent as well.
Only in Philadelphia, Boston and Dallas-Ft. Worth did local newspapers not
experience the same growth trends.
Additionally, Media Metrix found that most visitors to many of the top
newspaper Web sites tend to spend more money online than the average
Internet user. For instance, visitors to Tribune Co.’s Newsday’s Web site
and Knight Ridder Digital’s, which is affiliated with the San
Jose Mercury News, typically buy three times’ more annually than does the
average Internet user.
Media Metrix attributed the shifts to growing importance in online
classifieds, and to parallel changes in media consumption that sees
interactive media playing a role in supplementing traditional TV and
newspapers. That’s much the same trend touted by groups like the Online
Publishers Association (OPA), which are encouraging advertisers to buy ads
on news and information sites to reach a lucrative at-work audience.
“It’s clear that online newspaper sites are rapidly gaining readers —
generally at the expense of print readership,” said Peter Daboll, president
of comScore’s Media Metrix division. “Many of these newspaper sites offer a
rare opportunity for advertisers to efficiently reach local market audiences
that are growing rapidly and spending money more freely.”
The findings come on the heels of a slew efforts by OPA members to establish
a daytime news online “primetime,” supplementing evening TV-watching. Last
month,, CNET, CBS MarketWatch, and
launched a network designed to promote daypart-based ad buys across multiple
sites. Earlier that month, New York Times Digital introduced daypart ad buys
across its flagship site.
Reprinted from Internet
Advertising Report