HP’s research shows that 46 percent of mobile apps don’t use encryption properly, Jacob West, CTO of Enterprise Security Products at HP, said. “That’s a really shocking number because there is such attention being paid today on keeping mobile data safe,” West told eWEEK.
Digging deeper into the problem makes the issue even more concerning. Mobile developers now have the benefit of being able to learn from the security experience that the Internet industry has gained over the last decade in terms of best practices. Going a step further, many of the toolsets and frameworks that mobile developers use today typically have encryption capabilities built-in.
“We don’t see mobile developers having to roll their own encryption in an ad hoc way,” West said. “That’s an area where developers in the past always made mistakes.”
Read the full story at eWEEK:
App Misconfiguration, Mobile Apps With Poor Encryption Pose Risks, HP
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.