Laptop Theft Exposes Data on 3,500 Patients

Even after so many countless lost laptops resulted in compromised data, including a lost medical laptop earlier this month, a Massachusetts medical center has been left red-faced after a lost laptop compromised the personal and medical information of 3,500 patients.

Incidents like this are expensive for all parties involved, and despite laptop vendors offering all manner of encryption, protection, laptop location technologies and other security, we still have unprotected laptops disappearing. What are the implications? Check out eSecurity Planet for the uncomfortable realities.

More than 3,500 patients who received care at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary are finding out this week that their most sensitive personal information was compromised in February when a physician’s laptop was stolen during a trip to South Korea.

Officials at the teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School said the theft occurred back in February when Dr. Robert Levine, a neurologist specializing in the treatment of tinnitus, was in South Korea during a lecture tour.

Read the full story at eSecurity Planet:

Patient Data Exposed After Laptop Theft

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