Willie Sutton famously said he robbed banks because “that’s where the money is.” But today’s bad guys and girls don’t have to get their hands dirty messing with the physical security challenge of banks and storefronts to gain illicit profits; not when there are so many ways to exploit users online. eSecurity Planet details the latest example of a potentially dangerous malware attack on the popular professional network, LinkedIn. While other social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, have been a frequent target of malware attacks, this latest incident, reported by Cisco, could indicate that LinkedIn’s growing popularity has also earned it some unwanted attention.
Members of the popular professional social network LinkedIn are being targeted by a highly aggressive malware campaign designed to infect users’ PCs and mobile devices for the purpose of pilfering personal information, including their online banking credentials.
Security researchers at Cisco Systems’ (NASDAQ: CSCO) IronPort security group this morning reported that this newly discovered ZeuS data theft program accounted for as much as 24 percent of all spam messages on the Internet during a 15-minute interval Monday afternoon.