Data Center Group Talks Tips on Cloud Migration

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  • Adopting cloud computing technologies is all the buzz these days, but when CIOs are pressed to figure out whether their enterprise should shift wholesale to a public cloud-computing infrastructure, build a private cloud in their own data centers, or devise something in between, understanding the myriad issues involved is no simple task.

    That’s where AFCOM, the 30-year old association for data center management professionals, aims to come in. The group this week released a position paper outlining key aspects of the cloud that enterprise IT leaders need to understand to be able to accurately assess whether their company needs to move to the cloud, and if so, how. CIO Update takes a look.

    As more enterprises evaluate whether and how to make a transition to cloud computing services, AFCOM, the well-known association for data center professionals, has jumped in with a position paper designed to help its members with the decision.

    “We did this because there’s nothing out there specifically for the data center and facilities managers who we know need a lot of help at this point with all the issues related to cloud computing,” Leonard Eckhaus, AFCOM’s founder, told

    Read the full story at CIO Update:

    Data Center Group Offers Cloud Computing Insights

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