10 Things CIOs Need to Know About the Cloud

Separating hype from actuality in the cloud computing space can be daunting for even the most experienced and informed CIO.

Whether it’s a matter of security, standards or utilization of capacity, enterprise companies are using trial and error to figure which data workloads and applications make the most sense in the cloud and which must still be hosted on-site.

Skeptics point out that from a security standpoint, it all starts with the quality of applications running in your datacenter. If a company is running poorly written applications in the cloud, it’s going to be at even greater risk than had it simply been using those same sloppy applications as part of its installed systems

Datamation takes a closer look at the top 10 challenges cloud computing poses to every CIO.

A cloud computing-based solution shouldn’t become just another passive utility like the phone system, where the owners simply puts a tollbooth on it and charges more and more while providing less and less.

In short, don’t give competitors a chance to do an end run around you because you’ve locked yourself into what seems like the best way to use the cloud, and given yourself no good exit strategy. Cloud computing is constantly evolving. Getting your solution in place simply means your process of monitoring and improving can now begin.

Read the full story at Datamation:

Ten Challenges Facing Cloud Computing

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