Apache HTTP Server 2.4.20 Updated for HTTP/2

The Apache 2.4.x web server family continues to improve, albeit in incremental step forward. Apache 2.4 first debuted in February 2012, becoming the leading edge of Apache HTTTP server releases. With the Apache HTTP 2.4.17 update in October 2015, Apache apache httpadded support for HTTP2.

Now with the new Apache HTTP 2.4.20 update, there are some incremental improvements, most notably in HTTP2 support.

*) core: Do not read .htaccess if AllowOverride and AllowOverrideList
     are “None”. PR 58528.
     [Michael Schlenker <msc contact.de, Ruediger Pluem, Daniel Ruggeri]

  *) mod_proxy_express: Fix possible use of DB handle after close.  PR 59230.
     [Petr <pgajdos suse.cz>]

  *) core/util_script: relax alphanumeric filter of enviroment variable names
     on Windows to allow ‘(‘ and ‘)’ for passing PROGRAMFILES(X86) et.al.
     unadulterated in 64 bit versions of Windows. PR 46751.  
     [John <john leineweb de>]

  *) mod_http2: incrementing keepalives on each request started so that logging
     %k gives increasing numbers per master http2 connection.
     New documented variables in env, usable in custom log formats: H2_PUSH,
     [Stefan Eissing]

  *) mod_http2: more efficient passing of response bodies with less contention
     and file bucket forwarding. [Stefan Eissing]

  *) mod_http2: fix for missing score board updates on request count, fix for
     memory leak on slave connection reuse. [Stefan Eissing]
  *) mod_http2: Fix build on Windows from dsp files.
     [Stefan Eissing]

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist

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