Is Windows 7 Service Pack Coming in Q4?

Microsoft has a tradition of releasing service packs, a combination of all the cumulative bug fixes plus a few new bells and whistles, about a year after an operating system is released. Windows 7, however, has proven a pretty solid product and hasn’t had a lot of fixes, and there has been talk of a very long delay before releasing the next update.

Or is there? A blog with a reputation for accuracy now says that Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is coming a lot sooner than we thought. Datamation has the details.

Over the years, it has become conventional wisdom that corporate IT departments will typically wait to begin rolling out a new version of Windows until Microsoft delivers the first service pack.

Now, Malaysian technology enthusiast site TechArp says its sources say that Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is pushing to get Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) out earlier than originally planned.

In the months and years in the run up to the introduction of Windows 7, TechArp racked up a respectable record of accurately nailing down significant dates for Windows 7 as well as dates for service packs for Windows Vista and Windows XP, not to mention Internet Explorer 8.

The site did not pin down what date the original plan had pegged for the release of SP1 other than to say it was on a “22-month development period.” The post didn’t identify a start date for the 22 months, however.

Read the full story at Datamation:

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