Microsoft has notched another significant victory in its aggressive campaign to deploy its cloud services. The State University of New York has tapped Microsoft to supply its 64 campuses and nearly half a million students with its Live@edu bundled services.
The Live@edu suite will provide students with email, calendaring, storage and other services, including Office Web Apps. Datamation has the story on Microsoft’s cloud deal with SUNY.
Less than two weeks after Microsoft boasted about landing a deal to provide cloud-based enterprise services to 120,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) employees, the company announced a deal to provide similar cloud services for 465,000 students on the State University of New York’s (SUNY) 64 campuses.
Under the terms of the deal announced Tuesday, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) will provide a bundle of cloud-based services called Live@edu, which are similar to, though less comprehensive than, the company’s Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS).