EMC Corporation has made available the new WideSky Developers Suite, which includes developers’ interfaces to EMC’s WideSky middleware.
As part of the suite, available through the EMC Developers Program, EMC announced immediate availability of the WideSky SRM (Storage Resource Management) interface that lets software providers incorporate a wide range of storage management functions into their products.
EMC said the EMC Developers Program (formerly the EMC E-Infostructure Developers Program) gives members access to a broad portfolio of development tools, interfaces and supporting resources for EMC’s WideSky middleware, EMC’s platform application programming interfaces (APIs) and other EMC programming interfaces.
The company said WideSky, introduced in October 2001, will expand the capabilities of these interfaces to include a wide variety of heterogeneous storage, storage resource and network systems. According to EMC, these new capabilities provide software vendors and other developers with a consistent mechanism for accessing or managing various elements of a networked storage environment.